

SOLVE THE WATER CRISIS! Water is one of the precious gift from God to the mankind.  There are millions of marine species present in today's world that reside in water. Similarly, humankind also depends on water. All the major industries require water in some form or the other. Water makes upto 70% of the earth but only 3% of it is freshwater in use. Rest all is sea water which is saline. Then also, this precious resource is depleting day by day. The majority of the reasons behind it are man-made only. It creates a water crisis. The water crisis refers to a global situation where people in many areas lack access to sufficient water, clean water, or both. In recent times, the water crisis in India has become very critical, affecting millions of people across India. In 2019, people of Bihar and Assam faced severe flooding, while people of large parts of Jharkhand and West Bengal are facing drought-like conditions.  The main causes of water crisis include the Overuse, inc

500-Rupee Note

The door of fate opened for us~ It was 8 pm, My Taekwondo Class was over. I was just going to home with My friend, Ananya but then suddenly out of nowhere our classmates Vivaan and Sameer came to us. We decided to cycle and visit the temple for praying (actually for prasad that is distributed every Tuesday ;p ). Vivaan and Sameer had no interest in visiting the temple, we convened them in the park near the temple. After spending some time in the park, we went to have a prasad. We lied to them that prasad would be great, tasty, and something that they won't forget ever but it turned out to be something that actually not so good. The whole mood got spoiled by this incident. Vivaan had ₹50, he made sure that he will give us a treat. We were just passing by, and Ananya's eyes went to some green-colored thing on the ground. It was a ₹500 note, She and Sameer noticed it and picked it up. We looked up if it was someone but nobody was present there. We went to nearby light

NOTES TO MYSELF: A book review

25 May 2022  Wednesday  Dear Diary, Today, I felt relaxed and comfortable by completing reading a book called "Notes To Myself" by Hugh Prather. It is a collection of wise thoughts written by Prather about society, his emotions, about himself in the form of notes. The author tells his struggles to be a good husband, a good dad, a citizen, and a person himself.   At first, when I started reading this book, I felt no more relating to the lines he wrote but when I understood the deep meaning hidden inside these quotes. I felt emotional. Notes written in the book are the personal opinions of the author which feel connected to the author. Every note is unique by itself, For example, The note on the next page would be based on a different issue with a new meaning rather than connecting to the past issue. This makes me know more about the problems he faced. His emotions in this book are beautifully described.  This summer vacation reading this book was a great source of

FARA- A Perfect Desi Style Momos of Chhattisgarh

Fara(Phara/Farra) is a perfect desi style momos tempered with spices and served with chutneys.It is also sometimes referred to as muthiya. It which comes from the state which is known as the rice bowl of India, Chhattisgarh. Chhattisgarh has a rich tradition of food culture. Most of the traditional and tribal food are made up of rice flour, curd and a variety of green leafy vegetables. One of them is fara which is prepared with rice as its main ingredient. The rice which gets leftover at nights is turned into a tasty breakfast in the next morning by Chhattisgarhi people.This is the perfect way to start your day.  This dish can be prepared with a minimum number of ingredients which are as follows: rice flour(1/2 cup), leftover cooked rice, warmed water as required, white/black sesame seeds (1 tsp), cumin(1), oil (2 tsp), salt to taste, red chilli flakes(one tsp) coriander leaves (2tsp), curry leaves.   It has a very simple recipe which is as follows: Step 1  In a big bowl,


“Don't come up , I will handle"  These last words of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan to his fellow  men shows how courageous, brave and determined he was for the country people. Sandeep Unnikrishnan was born in a small village of Kerala on 15th March 1977 residing in Bangolore. He has always been fascinated by the Navy and has his heart set on joining them, even though his father wants him to become a doctor. He keeps his ambitions to himself while silently working towards them. He once secretly applied for Navy and then he was being scolded by his father for applying in the first place, all the while holding his rejection letter in his hand. His best friend, Isha knows that this one rejection is not enough to stop him. She communicates as much to him, making him realize in the process that joining the Navy is not the only way to be a soldier. Sandeep decides to join the Army and, while initially hesitant, his father gives him his blessings. Unnikrishnan joined the Nati

आवाज़ बनी मैं पापा की।

आवाज़ बनी मैं पापा की। मैं सात साल की थी जब मैंने अपना पहला भाषण दिया था। मुझे अच्छे से याद है, नेपथ्य में दूसरों की भाषण सुनकर मैं घबरा गई थी। उस समय मेरे पैर उछालते हुई गेंद की तरह ऊपर- नीचे हो रहे थे। आखिर मे मेरी बारी आ गई, मुझे ऐसा लगा मानो सबकी नज़रे सिर्फ़ और सिर्फ़ मुझपर थी। मेरे मुह से एक शब्द भी नहीं निकल रहा था, मेंने हिम्मत जुटाई और अपनी भाषण शुरू की। कुछ देर बाद, मैं अचानक से बोलते-बोलते रुक गई हालाकि मुझे सब याद था। बच्चे जो मेरी भाषण सुन रहे थे वे मुझपर हंसने लगे, तभी भीड़ में से ताली बजाने की आवाज आई, वे सांकेतिक भाषा मे बोले "तुम लोग मेरी बेटी पर क्यों हंस रहे हो? वह कम से कम बोलने की कोशिश तो कर रही हैं।" वे मेरे पापा थे। सारे बच्चे चुप हो गऐ। मेंने अपना भाषण पूरा किया और पापा के साथ घर वापस लौट आई। घर आने के बाद मैं मन-ही-मन गर्व मेहसूस कर रही थी। बचपन से ही पापा के अलावा मेरा इस दुनिया में कोई नहीं था। माँ को टी. बी था, समय पर इलाज ना होने के कारण वह इस दुनिया से चल बसी जब मैं सिर्फ एक साल की थी। और पापा तो पहले से ही गूंगे थे। मेंने ख़ासकर उन्हीं के लिए स

क्योंकि हम भारतीय हैं।

क्योंकि हम भारतीय हैं। दक्षिण की मद्रास हो या उत्तर की कश्मीर हिंदू हो या मुस्लिम, गरीब हो या अमीर   सभी लड़े आजादी के लिए, जब भारत था गुलाम जो बलिदान दिए, उन शूरवीरों को सलाम। हर कठिन समय मे हम एक-दूसरे के साथ हैं, क्योंकि हम भारतीय हैं।। दिवाली हो या रमज़ान हो, महावीर जयंती हो या ईस्टर हो, गणतंत्र दिवस हो या स्वतंत्रता दिवस, एकता की भावना जगाते हुए मनाते हैं सुदिवस, हर त्यौहार पर हम एक जुट हो जाते हैं, क्योंकि हम भारतीय हैं।। क्रिकेट हो या हॉकी हो, शतरंज हो या कैरम, खेल जो भी हो, हर हार-गीत पर हम मिलजुल कर दुख- सुख बाँटते हैं, क्योंकि हम भारतीय हैं।। इस महामारी के समय भी, हम दूसरों के साथ हैं। क्योंकि हम भारतीय हैं।। - तनीशा साहू कक्षा 8 'ब' Also read on Wattpad